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The Future of Trust and Integrity


01 / 08 / 2018

The prevalence of systemic corruption and low levels of trust and integrity continues to widen and deepen societal fissures, exacerbate inequality and impede the efficacy of both public and private investment. Illicit financial flows costdeveloping countries $1.26 trillion each year, and have a
substantial impact on developed economies: it is estimated that the EU loses more than $159 billion each year to corruption.

1 Growing evidence suggests that “corruption both feeds on and is fed by the broader crisis of trust, which sustains a vicious cycle that undermines economic health
and social cohesion”.

2 One of the biggest challenges now for leaders globally is ensuring that anti-corruption efforts
contribute to building trust,thereby maintaining economic and political stability.
The World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) launched the Future of Trust and Integrity project to examine how to rebuild trust and integrity while simultaneously addressing corruption. When trust and integrity are built into systems, they support a more
predictable operating environment, which in turn helps establish a level playing field for all stakeholders

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